Refracting Hope
Most people have heard of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD), but less about the nitty gritty of it. Refracting Hope is a first-hand look at how I navigate the world with all its bits, and how it navigates me. We are not always a good fit.
Topics I cover range from what living with cPTSD is like, through to my experiences in the Australian medical, mental health and welfare systems - what has and hasn’t worked (for both me and them), and some suggestions for making life easier for all of us.
Resources are in blog form and are divided into categories, but they overlap with each other so please explore.
Trigger warning – this website is about Complex PTSD and childhood trauma. Some of the content may be confronting. The more detailed information about child abuse has been placed in the Trigger Warning section of the website. Please stop reading and seek help if you become distressed.
The opinions on this website are my own and that of other contributors. It is not intended that the content represent the opinions and experiences of others with PTSD. I’m also not endorsing any particular services, including those mentioned.
People and places in photographs are models and are not connected in any way to me or the website content.
I would like to thank Dr Adele Victoria. She held my hand, convinced me to live and was the first to see worth and potential in my story. Thanks also to her for the wonderful Refracting Hope logo. Together we create.
Thanks also to all those doctors who liked my cobbled together dot point list.
And thank you to all of you who have read my words. I pray that they are useful to you.