Refracting Hope

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Lost teeth

And guess what?

One baby one there…two baby ones there

 And 164 more baby teeth are loose 

Maybe, maybe this time I’ll maybe lose them all at the same time 

Maybe they’ll all grow at the same time

And I’ll get lots and lots of money from the tooth fairy


So, upside down over the side of my bed

I sweep the floor with my hair

A bit dizzy 

And the blood starts talking in my ears

So, I try to get up.  I try and try and

But I fall

And hit my mouth really really a hundred times hard on the bed

And My Tooth 

The Loose One

It jumps out and down my throat

And now it won’t come back up out of my tummy

Even though I’m very mad

So now the tooth fairy won’t come

Originally written October, 2019