Refracting Hope

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I cut off the top of my head

and fished around and around inside it

until I was finally free

My agonised mind scooped out of my body

and dumped on the carpet in tangled bits

Floating away, lovely and light

I left the whole damned mess  

right there

My mind with all its horror

I left it there

with not one care


No brain to know my story

there were no heavy stabs of grief

no dragging memories of monstrous nights

And not one muscle


for fear flung flights


Oh the blessed quiet

of a body without a brain

There was not one sound to dread

No hate-filled words from me to me


no screaming in my head

Yet, as I drifted lazy

with not a jot of care

my world faded to blank:

My skin did not feel the tickle of sun

tongue no longer spoke of ice cream

ears did not recognise Magpie’s tune

nor heed

the crack of thunder of that

storm this dream-afternoon


I could not sleep, I did not wake

Every second just the same

I was a wellspring of nothing


Life now meant

not a thing


There was not one cognition

and never a wish

to top me up with hope

I was just a deadly boring body

tumbling down

a dangerous slope

See, in my dream, somehow, I knew…

Without my tortured brain

all my pain indeed did cease