I hate her/him/it. I think. Maybe.


Genderless, timeless Wolf

Mangy, well used Wolf

Powerful Wolf

Once appreciated

Once comforting

Now hated

Because Wolf is the good in me

And I am the darkness

Your father’s daughter, my mother always said

A teenager so angry I burnt, silently

Warped into my father

My righteous anger, no longer any righteous about it

Anger is fear uncontained

It is not Wolf who is dangerous, it is Red Riding Hood who could kill

Might one day

I am capable

I am dangerous

So, I hate Wolf because Wolf is good, and I am not

Lovable, and I am not


Tense, I wait

Wolf waits too

Soon it will be Wolf’s turn to speak

Wolf knows what burnt Hope black, and why

Wolf has stirred

I fear her/his/its words


For more information about Wolf click here

Originally written April, 2020